Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tech Update: My Body as a Shield

Today's tech update is an old card that first came out in Magicians Force and never saw play until Solemn Judgment was limited to one. Were looking at of course My Body as a Shield!! This card is a quickplay spell card, allowing you to play it from your hand on your turn, or set it and activate it on your opponents. For 1500 lifepoints it allows you to negate the effect of destruction on your monsters and destroy the card. So why is this card being played? Well for one it offers the turn player the protection to go all out for an OTK, being able to negate such power cards as Torrential Tribute or Mirror Force. It can also work on Dark Armed Dragon and Judgment Dragon the two most powerful monster cards in the game. With a lot of decks running Lightning Vortex it can also stop that as well as stopping Bottomless Trap Hole. Also in some rare instances where a monster on the field is trying to special summon another monster from somewhere else, it can stop Royal Oppression. Overall right now this card splashed at one copy in any deck is a viable option.

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